Church Live Stream

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Sunday 8am, 9:30am, 11am (MST)

On Demand Services

Whether you’re checking us out for the first time, you missed church last week, or you loved a week so much you want to watch again, we invite you to check out our past services below.

Current Series

Summer at Palm Valley Church

This summer we are taking time to learn about some minor characters with major impacts on the story of the Bible. These characters are mentioned by name for a reason, so we’re diving deep into the ripple effects these important people left in through their life and story.

June 16

Father’s Day at Palm Valley Church

We love families, so we love celebrating Father’s Day at PVC. This year we had the privilege to hear from a panel of dads who have been involved with our church, and hear some of their heart on what it means to be a dad.

May 26 – June 9

What Happens When I Die?

A question that plagues the minds of all of us at some point or another. By diving deep and looking at what the Bible has to say, we answer some of the more frequently asked questions concerning this taboo topic.

March 10 – April 28

The Real Jesus

The world has become too comfortable with shaping Jesus to meet their own needs, instead of looking to the Bible to see who Jesus is and what his purpose was. People are not comfortable with conflict, and there are some things that Jesus stood for that would conflict with the masses. In this series we aim to answer the question; who is Jesus – the real Jesus?

February 11 – March 3

We Are PVC

What is a church? What does Palm Valley Church do? What is their goal? These are all questions that you may have and haven’t had answers to yet. Check out this series to see how PVC fits into the “Big C” church and is fulfilling Jesus’ great commission!

January 28- February 4


Nobody likes having their words taken out of context. Unfortunately, a lot of people have taken parts of the Bible out of context in order to fit a need they have in their life, or to use as a reason not to believe in the Lord. Check out this mini-series where we look into some of the more common misconceptions of what the Word has to say.

December 31 – January 21

The Daily Race

“Life is a marathon, not a sprint.” That’s essentially what the writer of Hebrews said when he wrote “let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Each day we have an opportunity to take one step forward with God. Over time, with consistency, this journey can take us places we never imagined! Join us as we kick off the new year by taking a step together on The Daily Race.”

December 24

Christmas at Palm Valley

Christmas at Palm Valley is a chance to experience a powerful and encouraging service celebrating the arrival of Jesus.

November 26 – December 17

At The Movies

A good Christmas movie helps set the perfect mood for the holiday season.  The themes pull at the heartstrings and inspire us during this special time of the year. The reason is that the stories they are telling are connected to and illustrate the truths found in the Bible.  Join us, as we look at why some of our favorite Christmas movies are so compelling to us.

November 12 – November 19

Creative God

The world we live in is full of evidence that points to a creator. Our response is not to celebrate the creation, but to worship the creator.

October 22 – November 5

Who Is In Control?

The alternative to being in control is being out of control; nobody wants that. Control is fundamental to who we are as people, so what does it look like as followers of Christ? Giving control back to God. Check out this teaching series as we discuss and learn about giving God control of our time, talents, and treasures.

September 10 – October 15

Are You Ready?

You don’t really see football games where players decide to NOT wear the proper equipment. Why? Because it’s super dangerous! Before you go out to play, you need to ask yourself “are you ready?” and then put on your gear. As we go out into this world, we need to be protected and put on the full armor of God.

August 6 – September 3

Life Plus

Is there something out there that can make your life better? We invite you to hear real stories from people who discovered that Life Plus Jesus changes everything.


May 21 – July 30

Road Trip

The goal of a road trip is to get from Point A to Point B while hitting some important landmarks in between. That is our goal in this message series. Over the course of this summer at Palm Valley Church, we want to tell the story of the Bible and spend some quality time at some incredible landmarks that make this story so important.

May 14

Mother’s Day at Palm Valley

Happy Mother’s Day! As we celebrate Mother’s Day as a church, we were blessed with the chance to hear from three wonderful moms as they share some important lessons they’ve learned through the years.

April 16 – May 7

The Good Life

Everyone is in search of the good life. We all have our own version of what that means. It’s a vision unique to us…different from our friends…and different from our parents. How can there be so many versions of the good life? Jesus once said this to a group of people gathered to hear him teach: “My purpose is to give [you] a rich and satisfying life.” What was Jesus talking about when he said this? What is Jesus’s vision of the good life?

In this new series, The Good Life, we will be exploring these questions and discovering the ultimate vision of the life Jesus wants for us all.

April 9

Easter at Palm Valley

Why Easter? What’s so important about a person born 2,000 years ago? Why did he come? Why did he die? What difference does it make to my life today? Why even bother to find out?

We invite you to bring your questions and doubts as we discover the Power of Easter at Palm Valley Church.

March 12 – April 2

Serve Our City

Jesus challenged his followers to “let our good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise our Heavenly Father”.

Serve our City is church-wide initiative to shine the light of Jesus by serving our communities. Take a look for opportunities to mobilize, serve, and invite our communities to Palm Valley Church.

February 19 – March 5


So often, we are anxiously awaiting new insight from God, but more often than not, we forget about what God’s word says. The Bible calls us to “Remember” over 200 times! Through this series, we will remember what His Word says, and discuss what it means for us today.

February 12

Sunday at Palm Valley Church

Football is a team sport. That’s probably not news to you. But what about church? As we look at what we do as a church, the success of our goals comes down to the teams we create and contribute to. We are all called to join a serving team, so watch this message to see how YOU fit into God’s plan.

January 28 – February 5

In Secret

Secrets… When people think of secrets, they might think of something they don’t want anyone to know about, or maybe a surprise party for one person. That’s not what we’re talking about. In this series, we’re talking about practices that Jesus called us to do when no one is watching. Why are these important? Because Jesus calls us to live a life honoring him, at all times.

January 1 – January 21

Vision for a Healthy Church

The “Big C” Church has been around for 2000 years because of people following a common goal in learning and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What does that mean for us in the modern church? In this message series, we will be discussing some core ideas for creating a vision for a healthy church, and how that applies to anyone who calls themself a follower of Jesus.

December 25

Christmas at Palm Valley

Join us for Christmas at Palm Valley Church, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior through video, worship music, a powerful message from Pastor Ryan.

November 27 – December 18

‘Tis The Season

This is a great time of year! Let us prepare ourselves for the coming season by taking a good, long look at how we can give generously, be hospitable members of the body of Christ, enjoy family and friends, and find joy in our lives all through this season.

October 9 – November 20

A Word of Advice

What if you could sit down across the table from one of the heroes of the Bible? A once in a lifetime conversation. What questions would you ask? What stories do you think they would tell? What is the one word of advice you would walk away with?

September 11 – October 2

Weathering a Financial Storm

We’re all experiencing the financial hardships of living in today’s world. Join us as we look through the lens of Psalm 23 to learn how how to Weather a Financial Storm.

AUGUST 7 – September 4

Easier Said Than Done

We have all received great advice that seemed simple enough, so why is it so hard to do?

It sounds like a good idea. I need to. I want to. I should. So why do I struggle to do it? Some of the most important decisions we make in life are much Easier Said Than Done.

Join us for this new series as we take a look at how we can overcome some of the most difficult challenges in life by taking one simple step forward at a time.

MAY 29- JULY 31

Summer at Palm Valley

Who else loves summer?! Extended family time, vacations, water activities, cookouts… the summer brings some fun! This summer is no different at PVC! Each week one of our Pastors will deliver a message from his heart, something that he is passionate about. This is a series you do not want to miss!

Join us for PVC Online! Sundays at 8, 9:30, & 11 AM CLICK HERE TO ATTEND