Ryan Nuñez - April 4, 2021
From Series: "Easter at Palm Valley 2021"
Sometimes, stories can become so familiar that we lose the wonder we felt when we first heard them. The feelings of awe quickly vanish and the anticipation of the happy ending fades. The story of Easter. Perhaps you’ve heard it a million times. But no matter how many times it’s been told, there is nothing ordinary about this story at all. Nothing. Maybe church, itself, feels the same way. Routine. Predictable. Why bother going? It’s just more of the same. But what if it was different? What if you could see the same story through a fresh set of eyes? What if you could recapture the power of Easter and experience the thrill and excitement of it as if you were there, over 2000 years ago? What if you could hear the story for the first time, all over again? What if this Easter you realize that the story is actually FOR you, and about you? Join us this Easter at Palm Valley Church and recapture the wonder of Easter, the power of Jesus, and the impact it has on your life.
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